Employers have many factors to take into consideration before, during and after employing an individual. Read our posts to learn more about employing staff in the UK.


Small Employers Given More Time to Prepare for RTI

Employers who employ less than 50 staff are to be given more time to report Real Time Information (RTI) to HMRC.

Those who pay their employees on a weekly basis will be allowed to report their payments by the fifth

Implementation of Real Time PAYE could be Impossible

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) has said that the upcoming real time PAYE system may prove “impossible” for many businesses to implement.

This comes despite HMRC recently publishing proposals allowing employers extra time to send

Safety and Employment Laws to be Relaxed

The reasons for unfair dismissal are to be relaxed at employment tribunals under proposals announced by business secretary Vince Cable.

The Department of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) are to make a number of proposals to cut back on red